We provide specialized services in Zimbra installation, hardening and support, we serve thousands of mailboxes in State entities in 10 × 6 and 24 × 7, either in standalone installation scenarios or in load balancing clusters. We deploy the mail platform on Cloud servers or Onpremises. We have important clients in the State such as MININTER, INPE, INDECI, Saludpol, etc. We support thousands of mailboxes in multiple scenarios. Our annual support is for unlimited bag of hours in 10 × 6 mode, Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or continuous premium support 24 × 7 To attend to your questions or requirements, contact us at info@zoffice.cloud phones : 014917321-940712686 Whatsapp: 940712686

- Email accounts with the entity’s domain
- Standard protocol support (HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP) with 2048-bit SSL security
- Interface via Web Client that allows defining most of the configuration parameters for domains, accounts, distribution lists, antispam and antivirus engine.
- The management layer contains all the capabilities required to create and manage a virtual infrastructure
- Interface via command for the administration of the server and the mail accounts
- Administration of multiple domains.
- Unlimited email accounts support.
- Integration of antivirus and antispam services.
- Centralized AntiSpam console with Mailwatch and Mailscanner.
- Visualization of work queues and usage statistics.
- Management of distribution lists.
- Ability to define attachment quotas and limit the number of target users (number of accounts).
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
- Editing messages in HTML and plain text formats.
- Advanced search of messages by content.
- Support for forwarding and multiple aliases for each account.
- Synchronization with mobile devices of mail, contacts, calendar and tasks.
- Support Android, IOS, Windows Phone mobile devices
- Synchronization through ActiveSync with Microsoft Outlook.
- Multilanguage spell checker support
- Ability to label emails according to their importance and track them.
- Ability to drag and drop documents on the client
- Notification of receipt of new messages
- Autocomplete internal email addresses in the fields where the recipients are indicated (?? To: ??, ?? CC: ??, etc)
- View by Conversation groups messages of the same subject.
- Absence or vacation message function with auto reply and forwarding.
- It allows to generate multiple personal signatures for sending mail.
- Allows you to organize emails under folders and sub folders.
- Allows you to recover deleted emails from the mailbox.
- Allows you to create rules to move, classify or delete incoming emails.
- Allows you to make email reminders for a specific day and times.
- Allows you to define blocked senders.
- Define safe senders.
- Allows you to view documents, presentations and spreadsheets in the same browser.
- Allows you to define and reserve resources (meeting rooms and projectors)
- Advanced search that provides a tool to find what you need.
- Automatic highlighting of important messages.
- Address auto-completion.
- Web browser support Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.
Calendar and Tasks Service
- Linux and Windows servers, 32 and 64 bit operating systems
- Allows multiple delegation of calendars.
- It allows to label with colors in the calendars the appointments to meetings.
- Allows you to make appointment-to-meeting reminders for a specific day and time
- Organize calendar appointments in multiple calendar folders (nesting)
- Allows you to create tasks.
- Allows you to make a reminder of tasks for a specific day and time.
- Allows you to organize tasks in multiple task folders (nesting)
- The calendar is based on open standards, it allows importing data from other common calendar formats.
- Allows you to view the calendar from a mobile device
- Agenda administration with support for collaboration with other members of the organization.
- Multiple view of calendars.
- Resource management and group agenda, delegated access.
- Sharing, publishing, or subscribing to third-party calendars.
- Web browser support Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.
Contacts and Directory Service
- Create personal contacts.
- Allows you to create personal distribution lists (contact groups).
- It allows a global list of contacts, common to all users.
- Organize contacts in multiple contact folders
- User management through GUI
- Allows you to share your contact books
- Allows you to get the global list of contacts from an active directory.
Remote access service and instant messaging
- It has instant messaging that allows you to check who is online and send a message in real time.
- It has a corporate chat service, controlled, exclusive to the organization, blocking access to other domains that do not belong to the organization.
- Compatibility with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari browsers.

MailWatch antispam
MailWatch comes with a simple and intuitive web interface. Written in PHP and powered by MySQL, browsing incoming and outgoing email is just a click away; Color-coded viewing of recently processed mail makes it even easier.
Technical detail
- Shows today’s incoming / outgoing mail size, average load, and totals for messages, spam, viruses, and blocked content in each page header.
- Color-coded display of recently processed mail.
- Monitor your server storage from the web interface.
- Drill down into each message to see detailed information.
- Quarantine management allows you to release, delete, or run SpamAssasin on any quarantined message.
- Reports with customizable filters and charts from Chart.js.
- Tools to view the status of the Virus Scanner, the status of the MySQL database, and to view the MailScanner configuration files.
- Utilities for Postfix and Sendmail to monitor, display mail queue sizes, to record and display message information.
- Multiple user levels: user, domain and administrator that limit the data and functions available to each.
- XML-RPC support that allows multiple MailScanner / MailWatch installations to act as one.
- Works with MySQL 5.5+ / MariaDB, PHP 5.3.7 to PHP 7.

Zimbra Corporate Mail and Cloud Office
Contact Us
+01971149678 soporte@zoffice.cloud Calle Marginal de la Selva 587, Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú